Registration Closing: July 30th
|San Salvador de Jujuy
1st INTERNATIONAL MUSICAL COMPOSITION COMPETITION FOR SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRAS,“JUJUY HEARTLAND OF THE ANDES”.The winning work will be premiered at the Opening Concert of the festival on November 3rd, 2018 at Mitre Theater of San Salvador de Jujuy,and will be awarded with the sum in cash of USD 7,000(*)

Horario y ubicación
Registration Closing: July 30th
San Salvador de Jujuy, San Salvador de Jujuy, Jujuy, Argentina
Acerca del evento
In order to promote the creation of a new repertoire for symphony orchestras, contribute to the expansion of
a repertoire with Andean roots, promote the artistic exchange of composers from different backgrounds, and
stimulate the cultural and social development through the knowledge and dissemination of new languages,
trends and modes of musical expression, the International Festival of Sustainable Art "Jujuy Heartland of the
Andes", makes a call to original compositions for orchestra.
The winning work will be premiered at the Opening Concert of the festival on November 3rd, 2018 at Mitre
Theater of San Salvador de Jujuy, and will be awarded with the sum in cash of USD 7,000(*).
• The contest is open to composers of all nationalities, without age limit.
• Each applicant must present an original work that has not been awarded in another contest.
• Registration must be made by email to the following address: JCAconcursodecomposició
• Applicants must include the following, on the registration form: Title of the work, pseudonym, full name, ID
or passport number, address, email, telephone number, cell phone number and a short CV. This information
will not be available to the jury.
• Applications will be anonymous. Each participant must identify themselves with a pseudonym clearly written
in the scores, in capital letters. Any indication that reveals the identity of the composer will lead to the
disqualification of the nomination.
Characteristics of the work:
• The work can be of any style and character.( Inspired by Andean music)
• It should last between 12 and 25 minutes.
Complete general score edited in Finale, Sibelius or another musical edition program, in PDF format, A4 digital
sheet, attaching an audio by mail. Scanned manuscripts will not be received.
Audio file of the general score: mp3 or MIDI.
Brief comment regarding the work presented.
• The maximum number of instruments of the symphony orchestra to be taken into account is the following:
14 1st violins
12 2nd violins
10 violas
8 cellos
6 double basses
3 flutes (2+ piccolo)
3 oboes - (2+ English horn)
3 clarinets - (2+ low clarinet)
3 bassoons - (2+ contrabassoon)
4 horns
4 trumpets
3 trombones (2 tenors and also low)
1 tuba
5 percussionists
1 piano - celesta
It can include Andean instruments: quena, zampoña, charango, guitar, box, and a vocal soloist.
• The name of the work and the pseudonym of the author must be included in the score.
The applications must comply with the terms of this call. Incomplete or untimely applications will not be
The works will be received from May 1st to July 30th, 2018.
Each composer may participate with only one work.
Works submitted outside of the established dates will not be accepted.
The result will be released on August 23rd, 2018.
• The jury will select six musical works that will pass to the semi-final instance.
Each composer will be informed of this instance via e-mail.
• In a final instance three compositions will be selected:
• First prize: will consist of cash: U$D 7,000(*).
• Second prize: a diploma.
• Third prize: a diploma.
• The awarded work will be presented at the Opening Concert, and performed by the Festival's Grand
Orchestra, on November 3rd, 2018 at Mitre Theater of San Salvador de Jujuy City.
• The awarded work will also be performed during 2019-2020 by other 3 symphony orchestras of the region.
• The 3 finalists will receive a diploma that will be handed out during the opening of the Festival.
• The awarded work must mention that it was a winner in the First Composition Contest of the International
Festival of Sustainable Art, in a visible way in the advertising and promotion of the work.
The competing compositions will be examined by an outstanding International Jury that includes the Artistic
Director of the festival Andrea Merenzon, the director Ligia Amadio (Brazil) and the outstanding Argentine composer, Mario Peruso.
The jury whose judgment is unappealable, reserves the right to assign extra prizes or select a number of minor
finalist compositions and declare the prize void.
Rights session
The intellectual rights of the work belong to its composers.
The authors of the awarded works will authorize the organization of the contest to edit or publish the works
with promotional character, without profit.
Acceptance of the bases
The fact of registering and applying for this contest implies the total acceptance of the aforementioned
(*) The prize will be granted in national currency, in Argentine pesos ($), with the value calculated in the forecast of the dollar of the budget of the Argentine National Congress 2018: $ 19.40.